Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dollar Homeschool -Ray's Arithmetic ~TOS Review

Ray's Arithmetic

Ray's Arithmetic
is a math series that covers K-12 grade...from counting to calculus! This was America's standard math text for 50 years. It is a part of the Eclectic Education Series...

The Eclectic Education Series (EES) is a set of textbooks which from roughly 1865 to 1915 WAS education in the United States,
almost exclusively. They were the standard textbooks in many states and were chosen independently by over 10,000 school boards as their standard textbooks.
The Ray's series includes a total of 38 books. These include the 12 core Textbooks, + Answer Key's, Teachers Editions, and several intriguing books of mathematical pursuits for the aspiring student, such as Surveying and Navigation, Astronomy, Book Keeping, and Physics. It comes as a CD and is meant to be a 'printable' print what you need, when you need it. The CD sells for $59...yes, $59 for a curriculum that covers K-12 and can be used with all of your children! Incredible! Click HERE to see all that is included on the CD.

Things I like about Ray's Arithmetic:
  1. Follows the Charlotte Mason style~ short, effective lessons & no twaddle!
  2. An abundance of word problems ~makes your child think!
  3. Every concept is carefully explained, and all of the subjects follow one after another in a very logical progression.
  4. Lots of history is tied into the word problems ~ “General Washington was born A.D. 1732, and lived 67 years: in what year did he die?”
  5. You only print out the text needed...lots can be done orally or on a whiteboard.
  6. Love, love, love the graphics [I've added an example below].

And here are some more sample pages.

Overall, this is a superb math curriculum that will create a strong 'mental math' foundation. It will take a little time to learn the new program and implement is VERY different from what is on the current market, but it is effective and well worth the time you invest! The Manual of Methods {included on the CD} will help you learn the program and how to teach it.

You can order the complete CD from Dollar Homeschool for $59. Take a look at their Eclectic Education Series ~complete K-12 curriculum...incredible deal! You can order it for $159 {includes Ray's Arithmetic}. If you ever break or misplace a CD, Dollar Homeschool will replace it for you for only the cost of shipping. They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee on all of their products.

Read reviews on the EES and more Ray's Arithmetic reviews HERE.

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