Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hank the Cowdog~ TOS Crew Review!

Many years ago, while teaching 1st grade in the great state of Texas, I was introduced to a rough & rowdy cow dog named Hank. Hank has the prestigious job as Head of Ranch Security on a West Texas Ranch and he takes his job quite seriously. My students loved the stories I read to them from the Hank the Cowdog adventures. It has been 10 years since I taught school and I had forgotten about good 'ole Hank! I was very excited when I found out I was going to have the opportunity to review a Hank the Cowdog product! I wondered if my children would love Hank as much as my students did?

We received three items from Maverick Books to review:
  1. The Case of the One-Eyed Killer Stud Horse, [#8 in The Hank the Cowdog series, $4.24]
  2. Tales and Tunes from Hank the Cowdog [music cd, $3.00]
  3. Tornado game [$12.99]
I'll begin with the book, The Case of the One-Eyed Killer Stud Horse. My 7-year-old took the book and started reading it right away. He loves to read and I knew he would enjoy reading a story told from a dog's point of view. He read a chapter to me each night and would beg to keep going. The best thing about the books are the fact that they are told from Hank's perspective and misfortune always seems to find Hank & Dover (Hank's sidekick). In this book, Hank & Dover have an encounter with Tuerto, the mean killer stud horse. And Hank ends up in a very dangerous situation while protecting two little girls from Tuerto. It's a funny, funny book! My son loved it!

The second item we reviewed was a CD: Tales and Tunes from Hank the Cowdog. It has story excerpts from 10 books plus 9 songs. We ALL love this CD! Our favorite song is 'I'm Rich!'. It's fun to hear Hank and the other characters sing and talk on the CD...gives you an idea of what they sound like as you read the books.

The last item we reviewed was a FUN, fast-paced game called Tornado..."wildest race and chase game ever"! Each player receives three pieces...characters from the Hank books...Hank, Drover and Junior the Buzzard. It's a race to be the first to get your three "characters" from the start to the finish. But watch out, your opponent is chasing you and may send you back to the start. And landing on a tornado space can send you flying in any direction! The only safe place is a finish space. My 10-year-old, 7-year-old, & 4-year-old enjoyed playing this game a lot! My 4-year-old and I were a team at first, but she was able to start playing by herself and did well.

Check it out...Hank the Cowdog has his own official website at www.HankTheCowdog.com where you can play some online ranch games, explore the ranch, order the books and tapes and sign sample 'The Hank Times'!

For more reviews on Hank...go HERE.

**Please note: Hank is a rough, ranch dog and he uses some words like idiot, stupid, numb skull, & moron. These are words that we do not use in our family, so we talked about the fact that Hank's Mommy did not teach him well! Just wanted to give a forewarning...before you started reading the book or listening to a CD.

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